

Restaurant Remodeling Tips

restaurant furniture and design

Restaurant remodeling can be very expensive but if you want the best there will be the need to pay for it. It can be done for less of a cost by choosing less expensive items but there are times when it will be best to buy long lasting items. This way there will be no need to have to go through kitchen remodeling for some time.

A remodeling can make such a difference to a restaurant and not least it can push up its revenue. However, in these hard economic times it’s not always a good idea to invest in a large, expensive remodeling.
Star off by deciding on a sum that you can realistically afford and see what is available for that amount. When remodeling, decide who it is being done for. If you don’t plan to expand your clientele base then you can invest in a minor change that will refresh the existing decor without having to spend too much and without having to worry that your customers will not like what you have done.

Decide how much needs to be done and then what order to do it in. If there needs to be a complete overhaul it will be best to start with the redevelopment before the new equipment is brought in. This could be a new floor or new furniture and in the worst case scenario may even need new pipes fitting.

Once the reconstruction has taken place it will be time to decide on the items you want and don’t want. With a restaurant remodeling there will be plenty of scope when it comes to choosing new items. There are certain things to keep in mind when remodeling a dining venue and one may seem very superficial but it will be best to see what kind of restaurant furniture your competitors are using. Another good idea is to ask your workers and your clients what furniture they would like to see in your venue and try to incorporate that into your new design. (more…)

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5 Tips to Make Your Restaurant Ready for Summer

Summer is here and people are going out more and staying out longer. If you want your restaurant to benefit from the good weather you need to get ready. VF6BC6GMA8CU

Although it sounds trivial, there is quite a lot of work involved in getting a dining establishment ready for a new season.  Every season has its own unique characteristics which trigger different behaviors from your potential customers.

For example, in the winter there will be a rise in demand for warm dishes such as soups, casseroles and baked desserts.  In the summer, on the other hand, you will see a rising demand for salads and ice-cream, while you can forget about serving soup to anyone, especially during lunch.

So what do you need to do to get your place ready for the summer?

1.       Spring cleaning

We know that a restaurant has high hygiene standards but even so one of the first things that any food related business must do when winter ends is spring cleaning and pest control. There are no two ways about it. Food will attract visitors of all kinds. The ones we want and the ones we really don’t and a restaurant needs to be ready to handle both.

2.       Change the menu

Like we already mentioned above, different seasons call for different dishes. Change the menu to reflect the changing seasons. Include seasonal fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits in your menu. Talk to farmers in your area and see what produce will be available and make sure you always have an adequate supply of fresh items in your dishes.


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Restaurant Management And Design Tips

Managing a restaurant is a daunting task, especially if you do not have a strong background in the restaurant business. While the task may look daunting, you can still successfully manage a restaurant. There are several major aspects of managing a restaurant that should never be neglected; these include handling traffic generation, marketing, promotions, revenues and cost.

Traffic Generation, Marketing and Promotions

It is important to understand how you are going to get the attention of the surrounding masses. In today’s technology driven world, it makes sense that you would harness the power of a website and social media. If you have taken enough time to build a nice venue, you should take a little bit of time to build up a web presence to match. A website should work in tandem with your physical location.
Secondly, your social presence is another part of your marketing that you should not leave out. You need aat least a Facebook page and if you have time and know how then also spend some time creating a  Twitter page and a Google+ page or  any other major social media page you can find. You want to be available on the web anytime someone searches for your restaurant or for a place to go out to.

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Restaurant Design 101

Did you know that 60% of restaurants fail within their first three years of opening? This number is much smaller than the common 1-in-10 myth, but new restaurants still have only a 40% chance of making it in today’s market. The percentage can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to discourage you. Opening a restaurant, like any other business venture, is all about using your skills and your intelligence to give the best product and service that you possibly can. If you use all the advantages you have in your arsenal, you will increase the odds of your restaurant not becoming just another statistic.

When diners come to a restaurant they want to feel as if they are not only being fed, but entertained as well. They want a dining experience that will entertain and stay fresh and memorable in their mind for a long time to come. Smart and knowledgeable restaurant owners know that restaurant design plays a big part in entertaining their customers.

Besides the quality of food and service, restaurant design can be a major factor in the success or failure of your restaurant. A well planned restaurant layout and design begin with market research, understanding trends, and ends in a well executed design based on those factors. Diners want to have an experience like no other and as the restaurant owner; it is your job to provide that experience.


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10 Super Tips for Restaurant Success

Restaurant ManagementA restaurant can be so many things. It could be a meeting place, a place to unwind, or very simply a place to go to when no one feels like cooking! However, great food is just one of the many factors that contribute towards a successful restaurant. What could possibly be more important than attracting new customers and keeping that attraction alive and exciting? Customers are the biggest assets of a successful restaurant.


Here are 10 super tips that contribute to restaurant success:


1. CLEANLINESS – Cleanliness helps make that important first impression. However good the food may be, clean premises indicate that the food is prepared under hygienic and safe conditions. On a side note, it will also prevent pests like roaches and rats. Pay special attention to the state of the washrooms. Unkempt washrooms can be a huge put-off. Keep the place spotless!


2. AMBIANCE – Several factors go into deciding ambiance. The design of the restaurant furniture, the coloring of the walls, and the quality of the music – everything combines to create the right ambiance. A restaurant aiming at young crowds will have the latest numbers playing louder than usual.

Another one that caters to the wealthy or the romantic might opt for a muted, cozy ambiance. The overall effect must be warm and inviting. Avoid crowding up tables. Nothing is worse than being miserably crowded without elbow room to move the spoon and fork!


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How to Select the Best Restaurant Furniture for a Dining Establishment

restaurant furnitureWhen determining how to select the best restaurant furniture the size of the room, the expected number of guests, and even how long you want diners to linger after finishing a meal will all have an impact on what style is chosen. Additionally, the style of the restaurant as well as entree prices, and whether the area is open or secluded from a lounge are factors which need to be considered. Many restaurants use a variety of table shapes and may mix chairs and booths to maximize seating.

Restaurant furniture is available in many styles and pedestal tables are one of the most commonly used. Long banquet tables are a popular option for adding extra seating for large groups as well as being popular for weddings and other festive occasions. Many restaurants will use a combination of these as well as adding some small tables for two or tall tables for more casual eating areas. Banquet tables are often used in conjunction with stackable chairs which minimize storage space and can be easily moved to other areas for additional seating when necessary.


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