Restaurant Furniture Design: Ethnic Food, Ethnic Décor?

Does your Italian eatery have to reflect the Tuscan countryside? Should a Szechwan restaurant require an Oriental atmosphere? Will your Parisian bistro make it if you avoid those tiny, delicate bentwood chairs?

There are no rules that say you’ve got to design your restaurant in the style of your foods’ geographic origins. Granted, you don’t want to confuse your patrons, but you certainly can surprise them, delight them, and show your creativity by selecting interior design and furnishings that set you apart from your category’s competitors.

More and more, ultramodern looks are right at home in Asian restaurants. And Mediterranean and European menus do quite well in surroundings that are clearly influenced by clean, contemporary designs that don’t necessarily shout the country of origin. Before you decorate and furnish, do your research and explore what others are doing in your locale. You may determine that differentiating your establishment from those of other restaurateurs is managing by more than your menu.

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