

Singles Nights Bring More Customers to Your Bar

Finding someone special today is more difficult than it has ever been. Even if you are happily married, you can probably sympathize with the plight of all of those singles out there. Meeting people is tough, and you never know what you can expect. Online dating might have some benefits, but you don’t get to meet the person face to face for a while, and most people crave human contact when they are looking for a potential soul mate. Since you are a bar owner or manager, you are in a perfect position to help these people. Best of all, you will be able to drum up more business for your bar. More business is always good!

How can you do this? Set aside one day a week / month at the bar to be singles night. On this night, only single people who are looking to connect with others will be in the bar. Since everyone knows that its singles night, no one will have to worry about approaching someone only to have to slink away later, once realizing that they are already with someone. Make it a comfortable and friendly atmosphere where people can get to know one another. To draw in more people, you might want to offer discounted drinks for the first couple hours of the night.

If you want to make your singles night really effective, you are going to have to do some advertising. It isn’t too difficult, but you are going to need to start your advertising at least a month before you have your first singles night. The following are some great ways to start getting the word out.

First, make sure that you put an announcement on your website. If you don’t already have a website or blog where you talk about your bar and the events and specials you offer, then you are behind the times and you really need to set one up. In addition to advertising on your own site, look for websites and even blogs that talk about events in your location. Advertise in these places as well to spread the word further. Also, make sure that all of your employees know about the singles night and let them mention it to some of the regular customers. Word of mouth is a low tech and effective way of getting the word out.

Once the word is out there you will also need to prepare relevant music for the singles night and re-arrange your bar chairs and tables to make room to getting around easier and to make sure most of the areas in the bar are visible.

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Affordable Seating – New and improved

I am happy to reveal that after a lot of hard work one of our partner sites, Affordable Seating, has a new look. This modern look is not only for aesthetics purposes, it’s also designed to make your shopping experience easier and more pleasant.

Now you can not only browse all the great restaurant furniture Affordable Seating has to offer, you can also see related items as well. The shopping cart has been greatly improved too, and instead of a 3 pages long process you can now order your restaurant furniture in one quick and simple check out.

One thing that hasn’t changes is the price. You can still get the high quality low priced commercial furniture just as before only faster. I almost forgot, the new check out page also has a new a coupon system added that makes it easier to include any discount you have into the final price without having to call for the discount to be manually applied by the support team.

Enjoy your upgraded shopping experience!

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Get Your Restaurant Customers to Come Back on Slow Months

If you have been in the restaurant game for any length of time, you know that you have some months that are just busier than others. You should be looking for ways to increase your business before those slow months occur and the bounce back idea is one that works wonders. Best of all, it is very easy to implement and you don’t have to spend very much money to do it.

The first thing that you want to do is buy a large quantity of small envelopes. You will place special deals inside those envelopes, all of which are redeemable in the coming month that has been slow for you in the past. You will want to have some envelopes that offer a discount with the guest’s next meal, perhaps some that are 10% off and a few that are 20% off. You can have some of the envelopes contain free dessert or drink vouchers. Others can have a free entrée. You may even want to have one or two that are actually gift certificates for a certain amount that you deem appropriate.

Stuff the envelopes with the deals and place them in a large fishbowl or a tumbler. When the guests leave the restaurant, let them reach into the bowl and pick out one of the envelopes. Since the vouchers are valid for the following month, which is one of your slow months, you can be sure that quite a few people are going to be making return visits. Everyone likes to save a little bit of money, and this is a great way to boost the number of guests that visit during the slow period. (more…)

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Managing Your Restaurant Blog (part 2)

Now that you know why you need to set up your blog (see our previous post), and you know that it is easy to do, you are probably trying to figure out what you could possibly write about to keep people interested – and to make them want to come into your establishment. Fortunately, it is quite easy to find topics about which you can write.

For starters, you will want to use the blog as a form of advertising, naturally. However, you don’t want it to come off as simply being an ad for your restaurant or bar. For every post that you write about the specials and dishes offered at your place, you need to have other types of posts to keep readers coming back. It can’t be all about your restaurant or bar. What does that mean? The following suggestions can make some great blog topics.

Consider all of the different events that happen in your town. Is there a big high school football game coming up? Is there a concert in town? Where are some good places to visit for those who are new to town? There are plenty of other ideas as well. Consider adding a gallery of images to your blog. You can have images that show the outside of your establishment, images of the inside and of the restaurant seating layout and design, pictures of your staff, and pictures of your town. You might also want to post about things such as special events that you are hosting, including any costume parties, wine tastings, etc. It is a subtle form of advertising that can draw people to your place. (more…)

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Indoor Restaurant Furniture Infographic

Well, we worked on this for a while and we are certainly no graphic designers, but we’re still proud of our brand new infographic. Our first, but definitely not the last! They are so much fun to make, and they deliver information in a cool visual way.

Not only did we manage to do this all on our own, we actually created a flashy 😉 clickable infographic!

Now that we did our part, all you have to do is try it out and let us know what you think.

Indoor restaurant furniture

Click the image for the large clickable version,

or click the image below for the faster loading static version:

Indoor restaurant furniture infographic

Indoor restaurant furniture infographic

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The Modern Sports Bar: (Part 1)

Everyone has their own preconceived notion of what should be in a sports bar, and you might be surprised to find out that those notions are often the same across the board. If you run a sports bar, or you are considering opening one, there are a few things that you simply need to have.

Set the Stage with the Right Décor

The minute someone walks into your bar, they are judging it. The first impression they get is very important, and it is going to play a part in whether or not they become a return visitor. The interior “look and feel” of your bar is important.

If you haven’t given much thought to what you are going to use as the décor in your bar, now is the time to consider it. Sports memorabilia is a nice touch for any sports bar. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find a sports bar that doesn’t have signed photos, jerseys, pucks, balls, and other gear on the walls. (more…)

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