Deep Discounts can Drive Profit Up for Your Restaurant

Many people who are new to the restaurant business are afraid of offering discounts that they deem to be too large. However, a large discount might be just what you need to stir up more customers and get new people to come into your restaurant. How deep is a deep discount? Consider offering a meal for .25 cents with the purchase of another meal at full price.

This seems like it is going to cost you money, but you will be able to make up for it in volume. In addition, more people will hear about your restaurant, and you might be able to attract some customers that would never have visited. If they have a good experience, they will likely come back.

How can you make sure that they have a good experience at your restaurant? Well, for starters you need to have great food and a great staff that is going to be able to handle the higher volume of traffic. Because you should expect to do more business during this time, it is important that your restaurant seating is able to handle that many extra people too. Good restaurant seating, a good staff, and great food are three ingredients that you can’t do without.

Of course, you don’t want to offer these kinds of discounts every day. You should only have these occasionally, and you might even want to switch the terms of the discounts so that people don’t just keep waiting for that next .25 cent dinner. Offering 50 percent off the purchase of a second meal is another option that people are going to love.

When you are promoting the specials, make sure that you let everyone know that it is for a limited time. A three day special is a good idea, especially during your slow times. Offer these discounted rates on a three day weekend so you can drive more customers to your restaurant.

Even if you offer those deep and some might say insane discounts once or twice per year, it can be beneficial to you. With the added customers coming into your restaurant, you will be making more money than usual, which should more than cover the cost of those discounted meals. Consider other types of promotions as well to keep all of those new people coming back to your restaurant time after time.

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