Changing Up the Menu and the Seating for Restaurant Success

If your restaurant is having trouble getting business, it isn’t the end of the world, and it certainly isn’t the end of your business. You have to take a look at how you are doing things and see if there might be something that you can change. Even some small changes can get the excitement building about your restaurant and bring more people into it. Let’s look at a couple of things that you can do that might be able to breathe more life into your restaurant.

The Seating

You might not even realize that there is something amiss in your restaurant until you look at it from the perspective of a customer. You are concerned with the day to day operations, and you never see that perhaps the seating and tables aren’t up to par. If you have tables with uneven legs, or that are too small (or even too large), or if your chairs aren’t comfortable, it can cause problems. No one wants to be cramped or uncomfortable when they are trying to enjoy a meal. Rearrange the tables if you have to. Also, investing in some high quality restaurant chairs and tables can be a great idea if you can find it in the budget.

The Menu

Though you might have some of the best food in the city, everyone can use an update to the menu every now and then. While you will want to keep all of your classics and the items that sell the best, try to add some new life and flavor to your restaurant by coming up with some new dishes. Add a few different types of appetizers to the menu too. Even adding some specialized drinks can give you a bit of a boost.

The Specials

Run some daily specials to get more people interested in coming into the restaurant. Perhaps you can offer discounts to seniors and children. Perhaps on one night a week, offer half-priced appetizers between the hours of 4PM and 6 PM. These are just a few of the ideas you can try. You have a world of different specials with which you can experiment.

Never give up on your restaurant just because business is slowing down. Look for better ways to advertise your restaurant and make the aforementioned changes. Your restaurant was your dream, and you can still make things work as long as you put in the effort.

2 comments. Leave a Reply

  1. It’s really interesting to see what Ideas you have here. There are some really great ones too! You could even try an offer, Fill a 5 person table and recieve $/£ off your bill! something crazy that makes you stand out.

    • Daniel

      Thanks. That’s a great idea for filling large tables. I’m sure that it works well and it also gives people something to talk about to their friends, especially if they weren’t expecting the discount when they entered the restaurant.

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